AMISR User Manual

This version of the AMISR User Manual has been deprecated!!

The official repository for this jupyter book moving forward is available here:

Please use this repository for all future development and reporting any issues.

This is the repository hosting all the files used to create the AMISR User Manual, available at

This is intended to be a basic guide to help scientific users access, visualize, and interpret AMISR data. It is available as a jupyter book hosted on GitHub Pages. The notebooks included provide examples of some of the more common analysis and plotting tools. Please feel free to download notebooks if they are useful, or copy/paste examples into your own code and modify as appropriate!


Contributing to this manual is highly encouraged! Please heed the following guidelines:

Submit an Issue

If you have a question about some content in the book, think an area needs additional explanation or detail, have a suggestion of new content to add, or find a bug in example code or a broken webpage, please submit an issue. Where appropriate, use the following labels:

Contributing Material

If you have content or examples you would like to contribute to the book, please do! The following steps are recommended:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install the current requirements
  3. Add your content. This can be in the form of markdown files or jupyter notebooks.
  4. Add any pages you created to _toc.yml.
  5. Add any packages your examples rely on to environment.yml.
  6. Build the book locally and check to make sure your material looks correct.
  7. Commit your changes.
  8. Push changes to GitHub. The updated webpage will be build automatically.

Refer to the jupyter book docs for more detailed information about syntax and building the book.